Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The extraordinary “Futurismo” exhibit at Rome’s GNAM museum, December 7th, 2024

The extraordinary “Futurismo” exhibit is currently on at Rome GNAM museum (National Gallery of Modern Art) until February 28th, 2025.

Futurismo, or futurism, is concerned with events and trends of the future, or which anticipate the future.  It is an artistic movement which began in Italy in 1909 which had violently rejected traditional forms so as to celebrate and incorporate into art the energy and dynamism of modern technology. 

The movement itself was launched by Filippo Marinetti and had effectively ended by 1918 (some of the Italy’s greatest artists of that period included Umberto Boccia, Giacomo Balla, Carlo Carra’ and Gino Severini).

It had been though widely influential, particularly in Russia, on people such as Malevich and Mayakovsky.

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