Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Rome’s Galleria Borghese and its “Un Velàzquez in Galleria” painting, March 25th, 2023

Rome’s magnificent Galleria Borghese has on display from March 26th until June 23rd, 2024 a painting by Diego Velàzquez, the  “Dama in cucina con Cena di Emmaus” (Kitchen Maid with the Supper at Emmaus).  The title of the exhibit is “Un Velàzquez in Galleria” (A Velàzquez in the Gallery).

It is the only painting on display by Diego Rodiguez de Silva y Velàzquez (born in Seville in 1599 and died in Madrid in 1660) amidst some of the most exquisite works of art by the likes of Bernini, Canova and Michelangelo Merisi, better known as Caravaggio.  In fact, Velàzquez’s painting is right next to three paintings by the famous Italian artist (many foreign artists would come to Rome to study Caravaggio’s painting style). 

Velàzquez painted the Maid in 1618-1620, a few years before his two trips to Italy and to Rome. 

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